艾欧里亚中文网 > 圣斗士资料 > 圣斗士动态
久织知槙ChampionRed杂志电子版 2021-01-01
☆ Putting their lives on the line, Saintias dive into the depths*!
*It's written "into Naraku/Naraka", something like "the underworld" according to Buddhism. For I get, this is more like a metaphorical comparison.
Shoko: Please, be safe...!!
Shoko: Saori......!!
Shoko: !?
P2 & P3
Shoko: ......... Huh?
Shoko: What...
Shoko: Where's everybody.......!?
Shoko: Mii!? Xiaoling!!
Shoko: Elda!! Katya... Where are you!?
Shoko: What's going on...?
Shoko: Where am I...
Shoko: Hm...!?
Shoko: A galaxy... is coming this way!!
Mayura: ......!!
Mayura: Shoko and the other girls... Suddenly vanished!?
Mayura: At this time... They should have already reached inside the temple
Mayura: I can't see the goddess star nor the evil star anymore... Not even the hope star
Mayura: The disaster brought by Neo Repulse swallowed them all
Mayura: It's the same feeling from 13 years ago
Mayura: The bad omen star can change the fate of the Earth...
[I don't remember if they already showed it, but the kanji for "Neo Repulse" are 厄災の巨星, "giant star of calamity"... I find this all very Zelda:Breath of the Wild-ish]
Creating a future that didn't exist a while ago...
???????: Uuh...
???????: Uuuuh...
???????: Mother...
???????: Motheeeer...
Albebaran: ... What's up, dryad
Aldebaran: You suddenly realized you can't defeat me and started regretting it?
Aldebaran: Sadly, I can't just leave you be
Aldebaran: Don't worry... You'll go to heaven soon
???????: It's okay... Go ahead and kill me...
???????: I have no reason to fight now...
Aldebaran: What...?
???????: My mother...
???????: The goddess Eris just died
???????: So... I also..
???????: Don't have any power or reason to fight anymore...
???????: Not even a home to go back to...
???????: Hey... Am I...
???????: Also going to disappear...?
???????: I'm scared.... I....
Aldebaran: ..............
???????: I am...
P10 & 11
???????: Not really scared ☆
???????: MYRIAD LIES
???????: ... Yaa, I got him!
???????: Just a fool who falters in front of the enemy's tears!
Pseudos: I am Lies Pseudos [or Pseudos of Lies]
Pseudos: My fake tears are a prelude to death ☆
Pseudos: !?
Pseudos: What... Are you still alive?
Aldebaran: ... I see
Aldebaran: You're just a coward pretending to be weak and waiting to strike... So I don't need to go easy on you anymore
Pseudos: Hm? "Going easy", pops?
Aldebaran: Is it also a lie that your mother Eris died?
Aldebaran: Your cosmo changed just now
Pseudos: See... I don't get it very well but
Pseudos: My mother's successor, god Ares, is a great uncle
Pseudos: And seems to be granting me power
Pseudos: So I'm thinking about...
Pseudos: Start obeying him from now on
Aldebaran: Wait, Ares...!?
Aldebaran: I can't believe it...
Pseudos: Yep, I better give him a housewarming gift
Pseudos: Your head... Should be enough!!
P14 & 15
Aldebaran: GREAT HORN
Pseudos: No.....
Pseudos: I thought this pops would be easy...!! (?)
Aldebaran: The war progresses at every moment...
Aldebaran: In that place we can't reach...
Alebaran: Are Athena and those Saintias safe...!?
Aldebaran: That man... Was really granted the power of a god?
Ares/Saga: Now is finally the time...
Ares/Saga: The time to rebuild the Earth with my own hands....!!
Ares/Saga: There's no longer anyone in this Universe
Ares/Saga: Who could stop me!!
Ares/Saga: Go!! Neo Repulse!!
Ares/Saga: Burn down the Earth with the flame of battles!!
Ares/Saga: What...!?
Aiolia: Saga... Unfortunately
Aiolia: You won't do as you please...
Aiolia: We, the Saints of Athena...
Aiolia: Will not let you do it!!
Mu: Neo Repulse suddenly started got faster!!
Mu: At this rate, it won't take long until it hits the Earth!!
Mu: My telekinesis will only stop it for a short while...
Mu: This meteorite holds the power of two gods, Eris and Ares
Mu: If we also had a power close to a god on our side...
Mu: Just when we need your help...
Mu: Where the hell are you...!?
Mu: Shaka....!!!
P26 & 27
Dysnomia: Hehehe... It's useless
Dysnomia: This world is totally different from your world
Dysnomia: It doesn't matter how close to a god you were back there
Dysnomia: You can't get away from here alone
Dysnomia: So, mister Shaka...
Dysnomia: What about enjoying your time appreciating the world with me?
Dysnomia: The fellow mutuals who broke the rules and learned the truth about the Universe...
Dysnomia: Just the two of us, alone....... Huh?
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